Saturday, March 1, 2014

The Fox Hunt

Happy Winter! Forever! And ever and ever and ever. Always winter. All the time. And it never stops. Won't ever stop. Wiiiiiinnnnnteerrrrrr....

Woah, sorry, blacked out there for a second. Yeah, so, like three months ago I thought about doing Winslow Homer's The Fox Hunt on the chalkboard wall, because of, like, snow, and then it went and snowed every day and now I'm incredibly sick of even the thought of snow, but hey! I didn't have anything else cued up, so The Fox Hunt it is!

I like this painting, even though I'm pretty sure that fox is about to be eaten by some crows. Poor little guy. And I also really like this painting because it's about 70% white space so it only took two hours! Giving me enough time to finish up before MORE SNOW TONIGHT.

I hate winter.

Dave's first-view reaction: Looks good! ("You're sitting on the couch. You can't even see it from that angle.") I can see the little ears! Just like our puppy's little ears! 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Merry Happy January 10!

Better late than never?

For this Christmas, I wanted to do something on the chalkboard wall, but last year's marathon muracle-a-day extravaganza seriously wiped me out. Still, I couldn't pick just one Christmas-y picture to show on the wall, so instead I found 25 of my favorite Christmas movies, songs, TV shows, and stories to feature. (and then I went out of town and forgot to update the blog...)

So here it is, a month late but, if you look outside the window at my as-yet-unplowed street, weather-appropriate. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!