Monday, February 4, 2013

You Keep Me On My Toes!

It's Day Two of "It's a Christmas Muralcle: Valentine's Day Edition!" I've already run out of red chalk and last night sliced off the tip of my middle finger in a mandolin*, so we're off to an excellent start!

As soon as I saw this sweet little ballerina, I knew that she would have a place on the board. Little tutu! Little ballet slippers! I. Died.

Side observations: How much do I love these easy-peasy cartoons? Answer: sooooo much. This lady got done in an hour, and I wasn't even moving fast. NO SHADING! NO SHADOWS! TYPOGRAPHY IN THE HANDWRITING OF A KINDERGARTENER! Why didn't I do this all Christmas?

Dave's first-view reaction: You keep me on my tooooes? You keep me on my TOES? What does that mean? Does that have another meaning?

*It went like this: "Oh, is this a mandolin? Cool! Can I try it?" "Well, okay, but be careful, because it's really sharp." "Don't worry, I'm really good with stuff like--oh, I just cut off my finger."

 That's not even a good sous sous
 It took me, like, three tries before I realized the white on her lips was her teeth and not just lip gloss

I actually considerably cleaned up this typography

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