Thursday, October 3, 2013

Night of the Living Dead

"Baaaaaaarbraaaa... They're cooooooming for yooooou!"

Ah! I love this movie so much. The original zombie flik, it's one of those old horror movies that is just as creepy and entertaining today as it was back in the sixties (I mean, I assume). Also, how awesome is Ben, the preternaturally calm, resourceful, and damn likeable hero?* And how annoying is Barbra? I mean, I get that when your weird brother turns into a zombie, that's sort of a traumatic thing to deal with, but can't you even put on your own not-sensible shoes?

I try to convert as many people as possible to Night of the Living Dead, although it's not easy. In college, I found a VHS copy** and got Dave and his roommates to watch all of fifteen minutes of it before they decided that "fear is not really an emotion that should be encouraged." As a compromise, they let it play in the background of our Halloween party, partially obscured by a sheet so that all you could see were shadowy blobs trying to eat each other. Actually, pretty scary.

This was another lickety-split muralcle, and despite how simple it is, I love it! Creepy zombie little girl, complete with dead eye and prim Peter-Pan collar. It's a little hard to tell from the picture, but it's also HUGE, taking up more than half of the chalkboard wall, and every time I look over it's like this giant, green, floating head staring back at me.

Dave's first-view reaction: Woah. That is creepy. I got the shivers.

*Spoiler alert! Highlight for more Ben-related thoughts: OH EM GEEEE HOW CRAZY IS IT THAT HE GETS SHOT AT THE END?!?! I mean, really, all the crap he goes through and survives (like a badass, I might add), and then he gets shot by a bunch of rednecks?! Maybe the only horror movie ever that is more heartbreaking than it is scary. UGH.
**I'm not actually as old as that sentence makes me sound.

Gotta love those big green letters

Soooo creepy....

Auditioning for the Misfits poster

Hey, did you know you can watch the entire thing for free on Hulu? Let that be a lesson, kids, protect your copyright!

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