Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Young Frankenstein

It's aliiiiiiiive!!! IT'S ALIIIIIVEEE!!! IT'S-- okay. Here is where I admit  that I haven't seen Young Frankenstein. I know! It's terrible. What am I even doing drawing this muralcle?

If I really had my stuff together, I would use this as an opportunity to watch it, a la, Die Hard, which turned out to be the best decision of my holiday season. If I really had my stuff together, I would have watched it while I was doing this muralcle. And yet...

But I'll watch it! For real. Until then, I'm enjoying imagining various scenarios involving Gene Wilder as a mad scientist and a top-hat-wearing Frankenstein (some sort of Eastern European gala ball?).

Dave's first-view reaction: [slow claps] ["You know, I haven't seen it."] Oh, hey, me neither. Can we watch it? ["Sure."] [fist pump]

bug eyes!

 So fancy

love it already

The real lettering had all this cool stone effect, like it looked like it was crumbling,
but I draw this stuff with chalk, not magic, soooo....

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